Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Last Day

It was the last day of Urban Farming. Everything looks so great, I really didn't expect these fruitful results. The soil in our farms I think contributed a lot to making our crops so successful. From testing our  soil we found out it is 42% sand, 37% silt, and 20.6%clay. The PH of our soil is 7. We learned down at the farm about companion planting. For example One of the other groups planted onion next to their carrots so they would grow. Certain plants repel certain animals so that is part of the reason for this. This was a great class. Thank you Naima!

1 comment:

  1. Great Work Nikola,
    I'll send the digital book that incorporates all of the blogs, video, etc by next week.
    Have a nice summer!
