Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Food Inc.

Today in class we watched Food Inc. It is a film on how food is grown and processed. It shows the farming conditions of chickens, cows, and pigs and growing of crops including corn. The film shows the "Ugly truth" on agriculture and farming which brought about many controversies. It shows that people are not safe with how our food is being processed. The way these farms work causes ecoli and salmonila to our food. Nothing is hygenic and is causing people to become very ill if not dead. I feel farming these days is taking the method of "The Circle of Life" to Sweeny Todd goes rural. As I watch the film my initial reaction is anger and frustration. What am I supposed to eat for lunch? I can't get every meal at the farmers market. They are not on every corner like the Mcdonalds is. Now meat and pultury is knocked off the list of things I can't eat, I am frustrated! I am confused on what I am supposed to do and eat.

The movie relates to the farm by transitioning communities to Organic ones. By growing our own food we know it is mostly safe to eat because we are in control. We are not injecting hormones and amnoia into our plants but, plain and simple, water and sunlight. I believe the Community Farm can make a difference by influencing other people to start their own gardens. Seeing lettuce grow for your own eyes makes you more interested into where your groceries really did come from. Seeing the garden, in my opinion, inspires you to be healthier and be more intouch with your food.

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