Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Composting is very important. Composting reduces waste while providing nutrients for plants. The invertebrates inside compost are millipedes, sow bugs, snails. and slugs. These creatures help break down the organic matter which makes it easier for microorganisms to work in. The microorganisms are fungi, bacteria, and actinomycetes. The heat in compost is produced by the microorganisms as they decompose the compost. For rapid growth you need the right blend of carbon, nutrients, and nitrogen. Moisture rate and particle size also affect the compost.

Earthworms are very important to both compost and soil. They bring up minerals from deep within the soil. They remove litter and and prevent other organisms like insects and nematodes. Most earthworms eat the bad microbes and increase the good microbes. Earthworms discontinue the growth of weeds and improve the water absorption in soil. Seeds are also much more special than you think. Seeds can be grown thousands of years after the were first created. Agriculture has also changed through the years. Certain plants have adapted to human needs. Plants these days are all about chemical engineering, they have become very dependent on humans.

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